Ilkley Thingery is a community resource-sharing hub - Ilkley's very own Library of Things (this linked article in the ethical consumer provides a useful summary of what a Library of Things is, and where to find them across the UK). As a lending library, we offer a convenient and affordable way for people to access a wide range of items without needing to buy them. Most of the Things we stock are used. Some of the Things we stock are new.
Borrowing and sharing things through Ilkley Thingery is beneficial for sustainability and community building. Our members save money, reduce their environmental impact and save space in their homes by hiring things through Ilkley Thingery.
To become a member: 1. Register with us, 2. Pick a Membership Type by following the link in the email you receive after registering.
Ilkley' Thingery started with a grant from a local B corp company, Beyondly; this provides funding for the cost of the building for the first 3 years, giving time to make this project work financially. The project, which is not-for-profit, relies mostly on membership fees and borrowing to make enough money to continue to run, so please become a member and start or continue borrowing from the Thingery. Project costs are mainly the rent and running of 10 Church Street, the library home. The Thingery is, and has been from the beginning, staffed almost entirely by Erika, our Project Manager. The Things in the library are loaned or donated to the Thingery, or bought by the Thingery from membership and borrowing fees.
We will soon be offering a range of workshops, and meeting space for local groups. Watch this space for news.
Page last updated: 24/08/2024.